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Agoto International Logistics. Order your coveted product for lower
price of shipping by purchasing order Agoto International Logistics.
Free Customs Clearance process. Order now.
Despite the fact that we offer full cargo liability protection in
accordance with the terms and circumstances of our airwaybill and
bill of lading, we firmly believe that you should obtain extra
as part of your risk management strategy.
Agoto International Logistics offers Air Cargo Services to all main
continents. Rates are calculated by volume weight and also payable
kilogram. In order to guarantee immediate releases and final
for every consignment—whether it is an import or an export.
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Terms & Condition
Get 7-10% discount for each ticket transaction in Agoto International
Get a maximum IDR 800.000 in items delivery vouchers via Agoto International
The price meter is refers to Traveloka Rate by a screenshot of the flight
schedule and cost
Processing tickets is required, preferably books D-3 from the date of
Discounts are only available for Booking D-30 up to D-3 from the departure
The minimum transaction is IDR 2.000.000
No refund and no reschedule (if the ticket is shown)
Wanita minimal berusia 21 tahun dan pria minimal 18 tahun
Memiliki tinggi dan berat badan yang ideal
Wajib menyiapkan Data Diri berupa KTP, Kartu Keluarga, dan Akte Kelahiran.
Apabila sudah berkeluarga mohon juga untuk melampirkan Akte Nikah
Wajib mengisi Surat ijin Orang Tua/Suami/Istri/Wali beserta tanda tangan dari
Kepala Desa/RT/Keluarahan dan bermaterai
Jika semua dokumen selesai, lakukan proses medical check up terdekat di
wilayah anda. Apabila hasil sudah keluar, mohon dilampirkan melalui customer
service untuk di review
Jika calon TKI lolos medical check up, calon TKI akan dipanggil untuk
Training di Malang, Jawa Timur. Selama 2-3 bulan atau sampai mendapat pekerjaan.
Dalam masa Training, calon TKI tidak diperbolehkanmeninggalkan tempat
Training hingga mendapatkan pekerjaan selama kurang lebih 1-3 bulan
Training akan diajarkan bahasa Mandarin (Taiwan), Adata Budaya Taiwan, dan
Setiap pekerjaan yang ditawarkan, akan dijelaskan secara detail mengenai
gaji, jam kerja, lingkungan kerja, dan semua yg berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang
Wajib medical check up per 6 bulan rutin saat bekerja di Taiwan sekitar NTD
2000/6 bulan. Wajib perpanjang masa berlaku ARC (KTP) per tahun di Taiwan
sekitar NTD 1000/tahun